MANILA, Philippines – In a move to further improve and expand employment in the country’s information technology and software development industry, the Philippine Software Industry Association (PSIA) and IT Promotion Agency of Japan (IPA) have announced a mutual cooperation agreement for the Skill Standards for IT Professionals (ITSS).
The ITSS framework is a career model supporting IT and software organizations in talent development and ensuring sustainable growth.
Through the agreement, the PSIA hopes to reach more companies and set a more globally unified career structure, making it easier for IT professionals to connect with employers and secure jobs.
“With the introduction of the ITSS, an IT professional’s skill level can be recognized globally. This can enhance business cooperation,” said IPA vice chairman Hisaya Tanaka, who believes ITSS-implementing countries such as Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, and Malaysia can mutually benefit from the partnership as well.
Implementing the ITSS model can open up more job opportunities for Filipinos with an IT and software development background. Through a widely recognized career framework, the ITSS can help build a qualified pool of manpower for jobs as database administrator, software quality assurance analyst, application support analyst, programmers, Web and software developer, analytics trainee, compliance officer, network engineer, systems coordinator, quality specialist, analyst programmer, software tester, automation and QA tester, technical support specialist, and IT manager, among many others.
The PSIA seeks to enhance the industry’s competitive edge by making the ITSS more widespread in the country and complement efforts to increase the Philippines’ current one percent share of the global IT market.
“With this common framework, it’s possible to talk on the same level, making it easier and faster to assess different skills and direct the right people to the right jobs,” said Beng Coronel, PSIA director for capability development.
The PSIA and IPA also welcomed the creation of an ITSS User Group. The eight software development and IT member-companies are AWS, BlastAsia, CAI-STA, Core Technologies, Geodata, IPI, Pointwest Technologies, and Tsukiden Global Solutions Inc.
Three years into the adoption of the ITSS model in the Philippines, the PSIA believes that the next step is to create an ITSS User Group that will enable member-companies to support the implementation and adoption of the framework.
“The ITSS User Group aims to promote better understanding and support for organizations adopting the ITSS, or indices that identify and systemize practical abilities for IT,” said Nora Terrado, president of PSIA. These indices include business capability, common definition of job career, and level assessment.
“The establishment of the ITSS User Group will allow us to share best practices among member-companies. The goal now is to make it widespread because the benefit (of the program) will only be felt when the industry has fully adopted ITSS,” Coronel said.
The ITSS User Group members, according to Coronel, will be supported through various training and activities such as ITSS seminars, workshops, and discussions related to sharing adoption and implementation practices.
During the inaugural meeting, member-companies elected Ma. Rosario Ahorro of Pointwest Technologies and Michel Anson of Tsukiden Global Solutions Inc. as chairman and vice chairman of the ITSS User Group, respectively.
Consultants from UP ITDC, the new ITSS training arm of the PSIA, are IPA-trained and will handle the training for the next round of ITSS member-companies.
“We are expecting at least three more companies to join us in the ITSS project this year,” said UP ITDC assistant vice president Jaime Caro.
In 2012, the PSIA reported a 37 percent growth in revenues as well as an 11 percent growth in employment. By further promoting a common IT skills framework, both organizations hope to increase these numbers, specifically for the IT and software management and development professionals in the Philippines.
Optimistic about the growth of its sector, the PSIA continues to invest in resources to promote the growth and global competitiveness of the country’s IT and software development industry.
Source : The Philippine Star, Feb 18, 2013