Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance Testing is one tedious and monotonous task and therefore shunned by most software developers. Project managers would rarely allocate manpower resource dedicated for testing. When schedule is tight, practicality sets in and best practice goes out the window. Quality assurance testing is done without much planning and worse, skipped altogether. But recently, this seemingly minor part of the software development value chain is emerging to be a vital cog in reducing unwanted bugs and more expensive product recalls. Not to mention the damage it does to the company’s brand name. An unglamorous and requiring much manpower as it is, quality assurance testing is compelling target for outsourcing.
And this is where Tsukiden Global Solutions Inc. (TGSI) steps into the picture. TGSI has extensive experience with C language after having developed different embedded systems for various applications for its Japanese clientele. Early on TGSI has recognized that compiling common programmer mistakes as well as language limitations will greatly enhance its software development capability. TGSI has accordingly, albeit slowly, built and defined a standard coding style that up to now serves as a guide to TGSI’s development teams. It is because of this experience and discipline that draws clients to outsource their quality assurance testing to TGSI. TGSI is more than willing to do the tough jobs for its clients.
TGSI provides both static and dynamic inspection.
Static Inspection
There are various standards and tools available to statically check the source code and warn the developer of the presence of problematic aspects of the language. However, TGSI can tailor the static inspection process to limit or to expand checking depending on the target platform or what the system would allow. This tailored process can provide assurance of safety and robustness of the design and implementation.
Dynamic Inspection
Successful compilation does not always lead to correct run-times. Particular data supplied to the program can cause run-time errors. Arithmetic errors, pointer arithmetic and array bound errors, among others, are common errors detected during dynamic inspection. TGSI, in addition to static inspection, performs dynamic inspection. Dynamic checks are added to the code when there is potential for run-time error occurence.